Tag Archives: San Francisco

[Photos] Alcatraz Island

As I said in last post, our super-supportive second year MBA students offered guided tour to the famous Alcatraz island on Saturday August 15th.

I knew the name of Alcatraz island even when I was in China, because of the 1996 action film The Rock (IMDB link and Wikipedia link) starring Sean Connery, Nicolas Cage, and Ed Harris, directed by Michael Bay (director of  Pearl Harbor and Transformers).  The Rock is one of the best and most well-known action films, and then was very popular in China.

The trip is great.  The most impressive thing is the tagline in the cell house:

Break the rules and you go to prison, break the prison rules and you go to Alcatraz.

This is so cool.

Alcatraz island on the Google Map:

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[Photos] San Francisco Farmers Market

Although the Orientation for our new MBA students will officially begin on Monday August 17, but our super-supportive second year students kindly offer guided tour to San Francisco’s Farmers Market and Alcatraz island on Saturday August 15th.

Here is my tour to the SF Farmers Market.   Thank you, Ari, Jacqueline, Akhil, Sagy and all other involved second year students!  I appreciate your efforts to make all this happen.

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