Category Archives: Technology

[Sharing] Cooliris is really cool

Cooliris is really cool. It deserves the word “stunning”. 🙂 Actually it is winer of Best Design of The 2008 Crunchies.

An interesting point of Cooliris is that it is actually a “plugin” of your browser software, so Cooliris’s version includes FireFox, IE, Safari etc. versions. More interestingly, Cooliris also provides iPhone/iPod Touch version as well. I have a feeling that this really represents the trend “browser and iPhone as platforms”: more and more applications will be deployed within browser and iPhone.

Anyway, try Cooliris if you have not. Really stunning visual effect.

[Thinking] What if Amazon/iTunes/iPhone implemented Facebook Connect

Check this imaginative presentation if you are curious of what is Facebook Connect, and what is Google Friend Connect.


[Thinking] 10,000 iPhone/iPod Touch Applications reported “in just 142 days, the iPhone OS app store has added over 10,000 apps! “.

Really amazing fact. And for sure this is a huge challenge for traditional telecommunication operators, and telecom equipment vendors as well.

Obviously in the Apple App Store market place, the application/content providers directly deliver values to end users, and Apple gets revenue from each single transaction. Please note that during the whole process, telecom operators such as AT&T, do not get even a cent. The operators are only “bit pipes” and only get money from Internet access or EDGE/3G access.

We have to see what will happen next year in the mobile application market place (on iPhone OS, and on Google Android OS).

[Sharing] Stitcher: My favorite iPhone/iPod Touch Application

Traditionally you need your computer to get PodCast: You use iTunes software on your computer to subscribe the PodCast, then iTunes downloads the PodCast periodically, and you use iTunes to synchronize with your iPhone or iPod, then you can take the PodCast on the go.

The innovation of Stitcher is that it leverages any available network connection (WiFi, Edge, 3G…) to directly push the PodCast to your iPhone/iPod Touch. So you do not need a computer and iTunes software to get the latest PodCast. You only need an network connection and the device.

I like this kind of innovation, considering WiFi access is becoming more and more popular and omnipresent.
