Daily Archives: March 18, 2008

[Reading] The Role of the Product Manager

Recently I read a good article ” Behind Every Great Product – The Role of the Product Manager “. I believe the most valuable part of the article is the section of “Characteristics of Good Product Managers”, and I would like to recommend this article to anyone who is interested in Product Management.

The article is reached as a PDF file here in Silicon Valley Product Group (SVPG) website’s Articles and Publications area.

Photo of Marty CaganThe article’s author is Martin Cagan. He has over 20 years industry experience, and he was most recently Vice President of Product Management and Design for eBay. Prior to that, he had worked for HP, Netscape Communications, America Online. Martin said in the paper that the paper is based on work originally done while he was at Netscape Communications. More introduction for Martin Cagan can be found here in SVPG website.

Below I listed the structure of the article:

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